Any Afternoon Trading Opportunities in Today’s Market?

TRT Academy 5 Purvis Street #02-07, Singapore

In the world of trading, there are 3 main market sessions; Asia, Europe and US. For us in Singapore, the Europe Open provides us with important information on how the biggest players in the industry will be viewing the market at the start of the trading day and it conveniently starts when our job starts to wind down for the day. As such, many people uses this information and plan their trades before executing them after they stop work for the day.

How to Read Candlesticks for Profitable Trading

TRT Academy 5 Purvis Street #02-07, Singapore

Candlesticks are the basic tools used by traders to analyze markets. Despite appearing deceptively simple to use, when it comes to live trading, many traders are unable to use them to enter and exit the market.